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Winnipeg Parking Authority
The Parking Store

Carshare Parking Permit Program

Carsharing allows individuals to share a vehicle with other occasional users, thereby reducing or completely eliminating their need for a private vehicle. Carsharing supports Winnipeg's Climate Action Plan by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and provides more mobility options for those who want an alternative to owning a vehicle.

Applying for a permit

Applications can be requested through 311.

Free-floating zone

In order to meet growing demand, the WPA has expanded the carshare parking permit program to include a free-floating zone-based option. Within the free-floating zone, carshare drivers are allowed to end their trips by parking the car at any space within the designated zone.

These free-floating carshare vehicles will be exempt from on-street parking time limits within a designated zone that extends around the Downtown. The free-floating zone excludes paid parking areas, including the Health Sciences Centre and St. Boniface Hospital

Free-Floating Zone Map

Station-based locations

The program allows authorized carshare vehicles to park in designated on-street and off-street locations. Parking time limits and the requirement to pay for parking (where applicable) are waived for the designated carshare vehicle parking spaces, provided the appropriate permits have been obtained.

In a station-based model, specific parking spaces are reserved so that drivers have a reliable place to end their trips and leave the vehicle for the next user.

Carshare Locations


Frequently Asked Questions

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Why has the Public Service initiated a Carshare Parking Permit Program?

In 2019, the City received a request from Peg City Car Co-op (PCCC) to introduce reserved on-street parking for its vehicles, as parking availability has been a barrier to its growth. Currently, carshare groups must enter into parking arrangements with private land owners, apartment management firms, or parking management firms and, as a result, PCCC struggled to find parking in the neighborhoods where their service was growing the fastest.

On November 4, 2019, the Standing Policy Committee on Infrastructure Renewal and Public Works passed the motion directing the Public Service to review options to support the Winnipeg carshare industry, including a pilot project to allow for reserved on-street parking spaces for carshare users.

On January 27, 2022, based on the success of the pilot project, Council directed the Public Service to implement a permanent carshare parking permit program.

How does carsharing benefit residents?

Carsharing allows individuals to reduce or completely eliminate their need for a private vehicle, thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions, supporting Winnipeg's Climate Action Plan, and providing more mobility options for those who want an alternative to owning a vehicle.

How are parking space locations for the program determined?

When selecting locations for on-street parking spaces the following criteria are considered:

  • The carshare operator has demonstrated that there are insufficient off-street parking options available to them in a specific area.
  • The proposed street has no parking restrictions, including a residential snow route ban, rush hour restrictions, no-stop.
  • The number of bus routes within close proximity.

The following criteria are considered for off-street surface lot locations:

  • Off-street parking spaces will be located in City-owned and operated surface lots and where there is no requirement to pay for off-street parking.
  • One parking space per off-street location will be allocated.
  • The carshare operator agrees to all terms and conditions included in the parking permit application including items such as liability and insurance requirements.
  • The carshare operator will not transfer the parking permits to any other organization.
How will parking in the carshare spaces work for carshare users?

The carshare permit program designates locations for two-way trips, meaning the vehicle must be returned to the original parking location once the carshare trip is complete. One-way carshare parking (picking up the vehicle from a location and dropping it off at any location) is not be included in the program at this time.

Could one-way carshare parking be considered as part of a permanent program?

If sufficient demand exists for one-way carshare parking spaces and these can be managed alongside the interests of other motorists, area residents, and local businesses, the City is prepared to explore this option in the future.

Will any new parking be created to offset the loss of spaces for the general public?

No new parking spaces will be created at this time. The restriction of these spaces represents a negligible impact in terms of the City’s entire inventory of on-street and off-street parking. Since a carshare vehicle is typically left parked for less time than a vehicle with a single owner, the allocation of dedicated carshare spaces should reduce the overall demand for on-street parking.

How will the program's success be measured?

The program’s success will be measured in terms of the demand for access to carshare vehicles. The City may also review traffic flow and occupancy data for the areas around dedicated carshare spaces to determine if congestions and the demand for on-street parking is impacted.

Will carsharing be considered in the upcoming review of on-street parking?

Carsharing is being considered as part of the Winnipeg Parking Strategy, along with several other aspects of curbside management such as commercial and residential loading zones and residential parking permits.

Why are you moving forward with this program before the Winnipeg Parking Strategy and City’s Transportation Master Plan explore curbside management more fully?

An on-street carshare parking permit program is one of the items the WPA brought forward to Council with the first draft of the Winnipeg Parking Strategy in 2020. The carshare parking pilot provided sufficient evidence to support moving forward with a permanent program before the Winnipeg Parking Strategy and Transportation Master Plan are finalized. The terms of the program may be amended as the City’s transportation needs and the practice of carsharing continue to evolve.

How much is a carshare permit?

For current pricing, please refer to our Fees and Charges Schedule.

Will any other carshare organization be part of the program?

While Peg City Car Co-op is currently the only local carshare operator, any other carshare companies or co-operatives that meet the conditions of the program may apply for a permit.

Last update: July 5, 2024

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