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- Report a fraud or scam to 311 or the Winnipeg Police Service by contacting 204-986-6222
- Ne fournissez aucun renseignement personnel et ne cliquez sur aucun lien
- Signalez la fraude et les escroqueries au 311 ou au Service de police de Winnipeg (204-986-7705)
Park Smart program
The Park Smart communication program was created in 2012 as part of growing understanding enforcement alone did not change behavior or improve compliance. With the purpose of promoting safety, improved traffic flow and easy accessibility for emergency vehicles, The Winnipeg Parking Authority developed a simple low cost program built around communication, education and safety.
The strategy became "educate first." In partnership with the Winnipeg Fire Paramedic Service and the Winnipeg Police service, we began attending many different events throughout the City at various time of the year to illustrate “why” parking illegally may create problems and concerns. Since the inception of the program in 2012 Winnipeg Parking Authority has distributed over 20,000 brochures to the public.