Thanksgiving – Monday, October 14. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.
Did you receive a text message? The Winnipeg Parking Authority does not send text messages about unpaid parking tickets.
- Do not provide any personal information or click on any link provided
- Report a fraud or scam to 311 or the Winnipeg Police Service by contacting 204-986-6222
Vous avez reçu un message texte? La Direction du stationnement de Winnipeg n’envoie pas de messages textes sur les contraventions de stationnement impayées.
- Ne fournissez aucun renseignement personnel et ne cliquez sur aucun lien
- Signalez la fraude et les escroqueries au 311 ou au Service de police de Winnipeg (204-986-7705)
Park With Care Around Schools
Indicated by the sign shown here, school zones surround schools with children in Kindergarten up to grade eight.
Vehicles parked illegally during school pick up and drop off times create serious safety hazards for children and cause traffic delays. It’s especially important to pay attention to and abide by all signage and rules of the road around schools.
Parking violations that will be enforced around schools include:
- no stopping
- no parking
- parked on boulevard
- wrong side of road
- double parked
- wrong direction
- blocking bike path or pedestrian path
- fire lane
- designated space
Fines range up to $300 per violation.
Last update:
September 6, 2022