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Louis Riel Day – Monday, February 17. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Louis Riel Day – Monday, February 17. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Winnipeg Parking Authority
The Parking Store

Public Notices

New Block-by-Block Numbering for PayByPhone Mobile Parking Payment App

Last update: June 22, 2021

The Winnipeg Parking Authority and PayByPhone are changing the four-digit location numbers for mobile parking payments to new six-digit numbers that are unique to each block face (the specific side of the street between two intersections).

Beginning this week, new signs will be installed to help users quickly identify their location number. A new map feature in the PayByPhone app will also allow customers to find the correct location number automatically using location services on their mobile device.

Payments using the current four-digit location numbers will be accepted until September, as signage is transitioned.

City expands mail-out of parking penalty notices beginning May 25, 2021

Last update: May 21, 2021

Effective Tuesday, May 25, the City of Winnipeg will expand mailing out penalty notices for the following existing parking offences:

  • Stopping where stopping is prohibited
  • Parking where parking is prohibited
  • Double parking
  • Parking on a boulevard
  • Parking in the wrong direction

These offences will be recorded using the City’s existing fleet of vehicles equipped with automatic licence plate recognition technology, increasing compliance through more efficient enforcement across the City. Currently the City mails out penalty notices for parking in fire lanes and in school zones (for vehicles parked on a boulevard, contrary to the flow of traffic, double parked, or anywhere else where parking or stopping is prohibited.)

The change will improve the safety of enforcement officers, bystanders, and other drivers by reducing the potential for confrontations. It is also anticipated to assist traffic flow during peak hours, as officers won’t always need to stop their vehicles in a lane of traffic to issue a penalty notice. Officers will continue to hand-deliver penalty notices to vehicles when necessary.

Registered vehicle owners will receive a penalty notice including a photograph of the offence within seven days of mail out. Residents can contest a ticket online or by contacting 311. Contesting a ticket in person is temporarily unavailable due to COVID-19 measures.

On-street parking rates to decrease by $0.75 beginning July 1, 2020

Last update: June 26, 2020

The Winnipeg Parking Authority will start implementation of the on-street price reduction of $0.75 per hour over the next 6-8 weeks, beginning July 1, 2020.

PayByPhone customers will pay the new rates effective July 1, 2020. Paystations will continue to charge the old rates until they have been updated. Updated paystations will list the new rates on the machine as well as displaying a "New rates in effect" sticker to advise the rate reduction has been completed.

Existing Scratch N' Park Meter Passes will continue to be honoured for hourly parking. Unused Scratch N' Park meter passes can be exchanged in store for new High Demand or Low Demand passes by paying the difference in value.

For more information on this roll out including the project status, please visit the project page.

Library Parkade - New Year's Eve Parking on December 31, 2019.

Last update: December 23, 2019

With a paid event parking ticket from the Millennium Library December 31, 2019 park overnight and do not exit until 10:00am January 1, 2020 at no extra charge.

Hockey season parking passes for the Millennium Library Parkade

Last update: September 10, 2018

Millennium Library Parking passes for the 2018-19 Hockey season for both Jets & Moose hockey teams are now available from the Winnipeg Parking Authority.

Pass holders will be guaranteed a spot within the Parkade on game nights and can arrive as early as 3 hours prior to the games start time.

Jets Season Parking Pass: Non-Reserved $660.00 (includes GST).

Moose Season Parking Pass: Non-Reserved $456.00 (includes GST).

Please contact 311 or visit our office at 495 Portage Avenue to purchase your Season Parking Pass today!

On-street parking rates to increase by $1.50 beginning April 1, 2018

Last update: March 26, 2018

The Winnipeg Parking Authority will start implementation of the on-street paid parking price increase of an additional $1.50 per hour over the next 6-8 weeks, beginning April 1, 2018.

During this time, some paystations will continue to charge the old rates until they have been updated. Updated paystations will list the new rates on the machine as well as displaying a “New rates in effect” sticker to advise of the new rate in effect. PayByPhone customers will continue to pay the old rates until the project has been completed.

Existing Scratch N’ Park Meter Passes will be honoured until June 1, 2018. Unused Scratch N’ Park meter passes can be exchanged in store for new High Demand or Low Demand passes by paying the difference in value.

Also beginning April 1, the early payment discount for parking offences will be changed from 50% to 25% of the fine.

For more information on this roll out including the project status, please visit the project page.

November 11th - Complimentary parking within the Millennium Library for vehicles with veterans Licence Plates.

Last update: November 8, 2017

The Winnipeg Parking Authority will be offering complimentary parking on November 11th within the Millennium Library parking facility to vehicles bearing Veteran Licence Plates. More information on veteran parking.

Winnipeg Parking Authority eliminates PayByPhone App User Fee!

Last update: August 11, 2017

PayByPhone’s mobile parking payment service is now free to use at the City of Winnipeg’s on-street locations and surface parking lots.

Park with PaybyPhone from August 10 – October 10, 2017 to be entered to win 1 of 15 great prizes, including an Apple iWatch!

311 and online payment for parking tickets will be temporary unavailable

Last update: July 17, 2017

311 and online payment for parking tickets will be temporary unavailable starting 8:00 PM on July 21 (Friday) to 5:00 PM on July 22 (Saturday) due to scheduled server maintenance.

Canada Day Parking

Last update: June 28, 2017

On-Street parking within the City of Winnipeg is free on Sundays and holidays. Happy Canada Day!

New Urban Public Parking Location

Last update: June 7, 2017

Hourly paid parking is now available 70 Alexander Avenue via Paybyphone only.

Be Aware. Park with Care.

Last update: April 10, 2017

Beginning May 1, 2017, the Winnipeg Parking Authority will enforce the right to issue and mail out tickets for parking violations related to school zones and fire lanes.

Winnipeg Parking By-law comes into effect September 1, 2016

Last update: August 31, 2016

Please see Winnipeg Parking By-law comes into effect September 1, 2016.

New process for challenging a parking ticket coming into effect this Monday

Last update: August 5, 2016

News Release: New process for challenging a parking ticket coming into effect this Monday

Residential Parking Permit and Loading Zone Program Review

Last update: May 25, 2016

We want to hear from you!

The Winnipeg Parking Authority is reviewing the requirements and policies of the Residential Parking Permit and Loading Zone Programs and would like to engage the public in the month of June.

To find out more information, including how you can provide feedback at one of the 3 pop-up engagement event location dates and times, please visit Residential Parking Permit and Loading Zone Program Review.

Winnipeg Parking Authority offices closed the afternoon of May 20

Last update: May 19, 2016

The Winnipeg Parking Authority office, located at 495 Portage Avenue, will be closed Friday, May 20 beginning at 1:00 p.m. to accommodate staff moving following a recent renovation. The Parking Authority office will reopen on Tuesday, May 24 at 8:30 a.m.

Following the move, Winnipeg Parking Authority office hours will be Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

More information on the reasons for the renovations can be found in the minutes of the July 15, 2015 Council meeting: Implementation of the Municipal By-Law Enforcement Act (MBEA).

For updated office hours and more information on the Winnipeg Parking Authority, please see visit the Contact Us webpage.

Parking Ticket Update

Last update: April 8, 2016

The City of Winnipeg has made changes to the parking ticket process, after being made aware of inconsistencies between the City’s process and the process outlined in The Summary Convictions Act. In addition to the changes being made to the parking ticket process, vehicles that have been impounded due to unpaid parking tickets are being released to their owners and collection will no longer be pursued on outstanding parking tickets issue more than six years ago.

Monthly Parking Spots Available at Millennium Library Parkade

Last update: January 4, 2016

A new monthly Merchant 12 hour Permit is available for the Millennium Library Parkade. It allows entry/exit between 9:30am and 9:30pm. Please visit our Find Parking page for pricing. If you are interested in obtaining a Merchant Permit please Contact Us.

Social Service Provider Permit Program Information

Last update: August 11, 2015

Permits for Social Service providers who wish to park on a City of Winnipeg time restricted non-metered street for longer than the posted maximum will be available for sale starting August 10th with an effective date of September 1st, 2015. All other regulations and by-laws remain in effect. More information.

New Paybyphone decals

Last update: July 3, 2015

The Winnipeg Parking Authority is in the process of installing new Paybyphone decals on all city operated paystations. The new decals are being installed to help increase the visibility of this service and make it easier to identify the zone number for each paystation.

There will be no changes on how customers use the service as the phone number and mobile app will remain unchanged.

Last update: September 6, 2022

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