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Winnipeg Parking Authority
The Parking Store

Bicycle Parking

As parking can be considered just one aspect of transportation demand management, the Winnipeg Parking Authority is working to improve the services we provide to cyclists within Winnipeg.

For more information on Active Transportation in Winnipeg, please visit the City's Active Transportation site.

Bike Corrals

The Winnipeg Parking Authority operates a secure bike corral within the Millennium Library Parkade located at 251 Donald Street.

We have recently decided to expand our Annual Bike Corral program to offer additional permit options, such as a Summer Bike Corral Program, as well as a Winter Bike Corral Program. Please see the table below for a breakdown of fees and effective dates:

Bike Corral Permit Type Effective Dates Rates (GST included)
ANNUAL BIKE CORRAL April 1 to March 31 $68.85
SUMMER BIKE CORRAL April 1 to October 31 $54.00
WINTER BIKE CORRAL November 1 to March 31 $27.00

As the weight of a bike is not enough to activate the parkade entry doors, entry and exit is granted via access card reader, located at the Donald Street entrance and exit. With the corral being accessible to all permit holders, cyclists are encouraged to bring their own bike lock.

The annual fees are non-refundable and are to be paid in full in at the time of application and/or renewal. New applicants are also required to pay a deposit for the access card issued.

This deposit is refundable when the access card is returned by the 5th day after your permit expires (see above for permit expiry dates). Loss of the access card or failure to return after expiry will result in forfeiture of the deposit.

Applying or Renewing a Permit

The ability to apply or renew a Bike Corral Permit is available online. For new applicants, the access card will be available for pick up within our office.

Permits can also be applied for by attending our office during regular business hours. All applications are subject to approval.

It is the policy of the WPA that any and all outstanding fines and charges must be paid in full prior to the issuance or renewal of a parking permit.

Payment accepted by Credit Card only for online applications (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, or Discover); upon review of a submitted application, a Parking Representative will be in contact to process payment.

Bike Rings

When the Winnipeg Parking Authority transitioned to multi-space paystations, a large number of posts were left along the sidewalks as old meters were removed. Many of these have been repurposed with the addition of a ring to the post allowing bikes to be secured.

Last update: November 15, 2024

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