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Thanksgiving – Monday, October 14. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Thanksgiving – Monday, October 14. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Winnipeg Parking Authority
The Parking Store

Loading Zones

Authority relating to the approval for installation and/or removal of residential and commercial loading zones has been delegated from the Department of Public Works to the Winnipeg Parking Authority. Requests for loading zones to service school student drop-off and pick-up must be submitted to the Transportation Division of the Department of Public Works.

The provision of a loading zone restricts the availability of on-street parking for general use. As a result, when loading zone requests are considered, the needs of the general street user for on-street parking will be balanced against the needs of specific users/property owners for loading zones.

Loading zones will not be installed where there is already a pre-existing parking restriction such as 'No Parking' or a rush hour route.

While a loading zone may be requested by a resident of a specific address, the loading zone will not be for the exclusive use of any particular address. Loading zones, as they are located in the public right-of-way, may be used by the general public for actively loading or unloading for the maximum time allowed under the Winnipeg Parking By-law or posted on the sign, whichever is greater.

Should a vehicle be parked in a loading zone for a longer period of time than allowed, any citizen can contact 311 to request that parking enforcement review the usage to ensure that the loading zone is being used for the intended purpose. Enforcement response times can vary depending on the time of day and available resources. When enforcement reviews a reported misuse of a loading zone, the reported vehicle will be ‘chalked’ and, should it still be in place after the allowed time for that loading zone, a penalty notice may be issued. Unless the vehicle presents a hazard to traffic safety, it will not normally be towed.

Residential loading zones will normally be signed as a general loading zone, even if intended for the use of a resident with a valid SMD permit. If a loading zone is signed as a designated disabled loading zone, it may only be used by vehicles displaying a valid Provincial or State Disability Parking permit. Any vehicle in a designated disabled loading zone not displaying a valid permit will be issued a penalty notice. As with other loading zones, it is not for the exclusive use of any one individual.

Residential Loading Zones

Residential loading zones may be installed to accommodate disabled persons being picked up by Winnipeg Transit Plus or an individual where loading is not available through a driveway or back property. The following guidelines should be followed:

  • Submission of a service request through 311.
  • Loading zone requests must include either a Manitoba Possible (formerly SMD) permit number or a Winnipeg Transit Plus client number with recorded incidences. The WPA will contact Winnipeg Transit Plus for confirmation of recorded incidences.
  • The request must be made by the owner of the property, or their legal representative, in front of which the loading zone is requested.
  • Approval of residential loading zones will normally only be for those time periods where loading is required.
  • Residential loading zones are normally 7 - 12 metres in length.

Commercial Loading Zones

Commercial, Industrial and Institutional Loading Zones will only be considered for approval upon request from a specific business. Commercial requests can be made by submission of a service request through 311.

Guidelines for Commercial Installation

  • Loading zones will not be installed where a public lane is present that provides reasonable access unless the loading can only occur on the fronting street;
  • Loading zones will not be installed if the premises already makes use of a loading dock or bay;
  • Loading zones will be part-time and will not exceed business hours of operation
  • No more than one loading zone will normally be installed on any given block unless it can be clearly shown that a single loading zone is not functional.


Commercial loading zones are installed subject to actual cost recovery (including overhead costs) as adopted by City Council:

  • Applicants will be provided and agreed to an estimate of all costs associated with the signing installation;
  • Requests to adjust the location or time of loading zones will be considered as a new application and dealt with accordingly;
  • Upon completion of the signage installation, the Traffic Services division of the Department of Public Works will bill the applicant;
  • There is no charge for the removal of a loading zone.
Last update: February 26, 2024

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