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Louis Riel Day – Monday, February 17. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Louis Riel Day – Monday, February 17. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Winnipeg Parking Authority
The Parking Store

Monthly 2 Hour Meter Permit

Monthly meter permits are available for anyone and are issued to a specific vehicle. As part of the Winnipeg Parking Authority's ongoing efforts to improve services for motorists, we will now associate all meter permits with license plates. As a result you may only register 1 plate per permit.

A meter permit allows you to park at any City of Winnipeg on-street meter or pay station for 2 hours in total on any given block face in a 24 hour period.

2 Hour Meter Permit holders may re-meter for 30 minutes after the 2 hours has expired. The 30 minutes must be purchased through an alternate payment method as the extension is not included in the monthly permit cost.

Changes to On-Street Monthly 2 Hour Permit

In November of 2012, on-street parking rates increased in specific high demand areas in the downtown and Exchange District areas. The intent of the rate increase is to generate turnover of the high demand on-street spaces to make room for additional customers and visitors to the area.

As such, there will now be two categories of on-street permits, one for the high demand areas and one for the non-high demand areas. A description of each permit and where it can be used is detailed below.

High Demand Permit

  • This permit can be used to park for 2 hours in the high demand areas.
  • You may use the high demand permit to park in either the high demand, or non-high demand area.
  • Please note that the high demand permit can be used for a maximum of a 2 hour period in the Health Science Centre and St. Boniface hospital zones

Low Demand Permit

  • This permit can be used to park for 2 hours in the non-high demand areas. These areas are any paystations that are not listed specifically as high demand.
  • You may use the non-high demand permit to park in the non-high demand area only. If you park in the high demand area with this permit, you will be required to obtain a receipt from the paystation as the hourly cost is higher in this area. If no paystation receipt is displayed, you will be issued a parking ticket.
  • Please note that the non-high demand permit cannot be used in the Health Science Centre and St. Boniface hospital zones.

Applying for a Meter Permit

If you are the applicant, you must come in to the Parking Store at 495 Portage Avenue. Please bring the following:

  • completed application form
  • credit card
  • or void cheque (requires completed Pre-authorized payment form)

Permit Cost

For current rates please refer to the Fee Schedule

Cancelling a Parking Permit

If you no longer wish to park with the permit, please remit the following to the Parking Store at 495 Portage Avenue:

  • Written notice in the form of a completed cancellation form, providing one calendar month's notice.


One calendar month’s written notice is required for cancellations. The cancellation must be received by the Winnipeg Parking Authority by the 1st of the month for cancellation to be effective on the last day of the month. The 1 month notice period will not start until this form has been successfully received by the Winnipeg Parking Authority.

NOTE: Failure to submit the form with proper notice prior to the requested cancellation date will result in charges continuing until a month’s notice has been provided.

Form ➤ Cancellation Form - Available to

Changes to your Vehicle Information

Changes to the vehicles associated to your permit can be made by filling out the form below and providing to WPA. All vehicles displaying a valid permit must be registered prior to parking at our facilities.

Plate updates require a minimum of 1 business day to be processed.

Last update: September 6, 2022

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