Louis Riel Day – Monday, February 17. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.
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On-Street Parking Information
Re-metering at a Paystation
Effective September 1st, 2016, re-metering for an additional 30 minutes will be permitted under the Winnipeg Parking By-Law 86/2016. When paid parking applies to a parking space, a vehicle may be parked in that space for up to 30 extra minutes as long as the fee for parking in that space during that extra time has been paid.
During any period throughout which a parking time limit applies to a parking space, no vehicle may be parked more than once per day on the same side of the block that includes that space.
After the purchased maximum has expired, a maximum of an extra 30 minutes may be purchased.
2 Hour Meter Permit holders may also purchase the extra 30 minutes through an alternate payment method as the extension is not included in the monthly permit cost.
Winnipeg Parking By-Law 86/2016
Paid Parking Locations
The Winnipeg Parking Authority provides paid on-street parking in the downtown and Exchange District areas of Winnipeg.
The majority of paystations in these areas allow for two hours of parking at a cost of $1.75 per hour in low demand areas.
As part of a process of managing turn over at on-street parking spaces, there are higher rates of $2.75 per hour in parts of Downtown and The Exchange. The high demand areas are denoted in the map below.
Paid on-street parking is also available around the Health Sciences Centre and St. Boniface Hospital areas. Hospital area paystations allow for four hours of parking at a cost of $2.75 per hour.
Solar Powered Paystations Only
The Winnipeg Parking Authority operates solar powered parking paystations only. The WPA does not operate any other type of parking control device for on-street parking. WPA paystations are identified by the WPA logo on the sides of the portion of the paystation that holds the solar panel.
Other On-Street Parking
A number of other agencies operate parking meters to regulate paid on-street parking on sections of roadway which they control. These meters are not regulated by the Winnipeg Parking Authority. These include:
- The Province of Manitoba (Memorial between Broadway and York)
- Forks-North Portage (Webb Place and the Forks)
- St. Boniface Hospital (Vehicle loop on hospital property)
- Health Sciences Centre (Vehicle loop off of Sherbrook)
- Grace Hospital (Vehicle loop on hospital property)
- Concordia Hospital (Vehicle loop on hospital property)