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- Report a fraud or scam to 311 or the Winnipeg Police Service by contacting 204-986-6222
- Ne fournissez aucun renseignement personnel et ne cliquez sur aucun lien
- Signalez la fraude et les escroqueries au 311 ou au Service de police de Winnipeg (204-986-7705)
Time-limited Parking
The purpose of time-limited parking is to generate turnover of transient parkers and achieve 15 percent availability of parking spaces at any given time in a particular location. Implementing time-limited parking in areas that have a high parking demand ensures that spaces on the street will open up at regular intervals.
- The normal time limit will be for two hours
- Time limits will only be implemented for full blocks
- One-hour time limits will only be implemented where a two-hour limit has been in place for a minimum of 12 months and where it can clearly be shown that the two-hour limit is not generating the appropriate level of turnover.
- Standard hours for time limits will be from 09:00 – 17:30. However, alternate times are considered on a case by case basis.
Installation, modification, and removal of time-limited parking
Residential and Commercial Requests
- To initiate the process, please contact 311.
- The Winnipeg Parking Authority will accept petitions signed by property owners on the street to help inform decisions around time-limited parking.
- Consideration to implement, modify, or remove time-limited parking will be given with or without a petition. However, the petition is requested to get a sense of the local property owners’ support for time-limited parking.
- Other factors such as traffic congestion and parking availability (on the street in question and adjacent streets), as well as reasons why parking availability is an issue will be reviewed to determine if time limits will improve the parking situation.
- The Winnipeg Parking Authority may order the removal of a time-limited parking restriction where the situation that resulted in the original installation no longer exists.
Petition Requirements
For petitions accompanying a request, the process below will be followed:
- Requests for signatures are made from property owners that adjoin or abut the street requested.
- For single-family properties, only one registered property owner's signature should appear on the petition per property.
- For condos and other residential properties with multiple owners, one signature per unit or a letter from the condo board in support of the parking change is acceptable. Each unit will be factored in when calculating the level of support from residents.
- For apartment blocks, a signature from the registered property owner or a letter from the property manager is requested. The building will count as a single property when calculating the level of support from residents.
- For properties owned by a business, a letter in support from the business or property manager is requested.
- Residents are to be advised by the applicant of the residential parking permit program. Information on the residential parking permit program is available here.
When a request to review existing time limits is received, the Winnipeg Parking Authority will continue its practice of examining the area to determine whether there is in fact a shortage of available on-street parking and whether time limits continue to be the appropriate solution. Requests for the removal or amendment of parking time limits will be considered in the same manner, but will not normally be entertained within one year of their initial implementation. To initiate a review, please contact 311.