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Winnipeg Parking Authority
The Parking Store

Parking for Persons with Accessibility needs

The City of Winnipeg is dedicated to accommodating the needs of community members with accessibility requirements.

For Drivers without Accessible Permits

The provision of accessible parking facilities in the City of Winnipeg is governed by the Winnipeg Parking By-Law. This By-Law allows for the designation of Accessible Permit parking stalls and outlines the requirements for establishment of such stalls. It is an offence to park in a designated Accessible parking stall without displaying a valid Provincial Permit.

While many of these parking stalls are located on private property, others are located in public spaces and on roadways. There is a large fine for misuse of an accessible space. Please watch for signage.


The Province of Manitoba maintains a process for issuing Parking Permits for people with accessibility needs to eligible members of the public within provincial borders. To learn more about the permit program please contact:

Manitoba Possible

1857 Notre Dame Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3E 3E7

Phone: 204-975-3257
Toll-Free: 1-800-836-5551
TTY: 204-975-3239 and 1-800-856-7934
Fax: 204-975-3240

On-Street Parking for Accessible Permit Holders

Permit holders with accessibility needs may use spaces designated with the international access symbol, OR any other meter stall as available. Parking is offered on a "pay as you go" basis provided they display their permit.

The Winnipeg Parking By-Law 86/2016 allows motorists displaying accessible permits to park for 4 hours at pay-stations when the maximum time is purchased and for 4 hours at non-paystation spaces restricted to 1 or 2 hours.

An additional 30 minutes may be purchased starting after the 4 hours if the maximum time was previously purchased.

Note: ** When less than the maximum time is purchased the actual time purchased will apply **

Payment for the full period of parking is required if:

  • you park in a Surface Lot
  • you park at a 4 hour paystation
  • you park near Health Science Center or St. Boniface Hospital
  • you park at a 2 hour paystation and use payment methods other than coins or a credit card

Accessible Downtown Parking Locations

The WPA recognizes Accessible Permits from other provinces, states and countries. Accessible permits from Manitoba are recognized in other provinces, states, and countries as well. The FIA European Bureau is working on a worldwide survey to develop an international guide for accessible drivers.

However, if you plan to use an Accessible Permit in another jurisdiction, IT IS IMPORTANT that you still check with that jurisdiction ahead of time to find out if there are any differences in regulations.

Information on Paystations and Parking Products

Customer Service

For customer service or to purchase parking products please contact The Parking Store.

For individuals who find that any of the options in the "Paystations and Parking Products" section above are not accessible to them, you may request a custom accommodation. Confirmation of the limitation may be requested.

The City of Winnipeg is dedicated to accommodating the needs of community members with accessibility needs. If we can assist, please contact us!

Related Links

Last update: January 7, 2025

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