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- Signalez la fraude et les escroqueries au 311 ou au Service de police de Winnipeg (204-986-7705)
Parking Violation Examples
Report a parking violationSelect Parking Violation below for the descriptions, diagrams, and applicable fines of common parking violations. For more information on these and other violations, please see Winnipeg Parking By-law 86/2016.
Covered under: Winnipeg Parking By–Law No. 86/2016 Section 17 Position and direction of parked vehicle
If a vehicle on a street is parked in a traffic lane in which parking is permitted, it must face the same direction as the flow of traffic in that lane. If it is parked on a shoulder or a lane reserved for parking, it must face the same direction as the flow of traffic in the adjacent lane. |
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Covered under: Winnipeg Parking By–Law No. 86/2016 Section 11(1) No parking zone No vehicle may be parked at a place where parking is prohibited by a traffic control device. You are allowed to stop (pick up/drop off passengers, etc.), but you are not allowed to park for any length of time. The vehicle is considered to be parked when the driver′s seat is unoccupied, or the vehicle is stationary. No Parking zones are not Loading Zones. |
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Covered under: Winnipeg Parking By–Law No. 86/2016 Section 20 No vehicle may be parked in an alley for more than 15 minutes. |
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No stopping zone
Covered under: Winnipeg Parking By–Law No. 86/2016 Section 10 No vehicle may be stopped at a place where stopping is prohibited by a traffic control device The roadway is for moving traffic, and you cannot stop your vehicle in a "No Stopping" area. It is NOT for loading or unloading passengers or goods. If the stopped vehicle presents a hazard, it will be towed. |
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Covered under: Winnipeg Parking By–Law No. 86/2016 Section 18(1) Spaces reserved for physically disabled persons No vehicle may be stopped or parked
unless a disabled person’s parking permit is being used and displayed in the vehicle in accordance with The Highway Traffic Act and the regulations under that Act. Members of the disabled community rely on availability of accessible parking more than other parkers, and their proximity has health and mobility implications. Vehicles parked in Disability areas must have a current, properly displayed, Provincial or State Disability Parking Permit. |
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This sign also declares a specific parking space as a designated space for disability permit holders but is in effect 24 hours / 7 days a week, and is primarily found in paid parking locations. Note: Both are valid signs that indicate designated parking spaces for disability permit holders; if a vehicle is parked in a designated space without a valid disability permit a ticket may be issued. |
Covered under: Winnipeg Parking By–Law No. 86/2016 Section 10 Streets are built to accommodate the movement of traffic at peak times. "Rush Hour" times in Winnipeg are 07:00 – 09:00 and 15:30 – 17:30 weekdays. You cannot park or stop your vehicle in No Stopping zones during these times (not even to load/unload, pick up a passenger, etc). Traffic takes immediate priority and offending vehicles may be towed away instantly. This restriction over–rules any loading zone, parking meter, disability parking stall, or other use of the street during these times. If you park in a rush hour zone you will be towed. |
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Covered under: Winnipeg Parking By–Law No. 86/2016 Section 12(1) Time-limited parking zone Subject to this section, where a parking space is governed by a traffic control device that specifies the length of time that a vehicle may be parked in that space, no vehicle may be parked in that space for a greater length of time. Some of the streets in Winnipeg have one and two hour use restrictions, meaning that they are intended for short term parking use only. If you are parked in a one or two hour restricted area, please park within the time restriction, and if you have to stay longer, please move to a longer term Off Street parking lot, or to another short term parking zone. Your vehicle can be ticketed if you do not park on a new section of the block. Please note: Large Vehicle Parking Limited to One Hour is also enforced under Parking Beyond Time Limit Offence. See Section 13 for full details. |
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Covered under: Winnipeg Parking By–Law No. 86/2016 Section 16(1)(e) Except when necessary to comply with a traffic control device, no vehicle may be stopped or parked on a boulevard. A boulevard is the portion of the street between the curb line or edge of roadway and the adjoining property line excluding the sidewalk. |
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Covered under: Winnipeg Parking By–Law No. 86/2016 Section 16(1)(a) Sidewalks and pedestrian right of ways are for the movement of pedestrians, and this includes members of the elderly or disabled communities. Don′t park in a driveway so as to obstruct, or even partially obstruct, a paved sidewalk or unpaved right of way. Remember that a sidewalk is any City–maintained sidewalk that meets the street, whether the sidewalk continues on the other side of the street or not. If a sidewalk appears to end on one side of the street, you cannot obstruct the movement of pedestrians by parking on the other side, where the sidewalk could otherwise continue. |
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Covered under: Winnipeg Parking By–Law No. 86/2016 Section 16(1)(f) Streets are for moving traffic and you cannot park your vehicle so as to even partially obstruct an Intersection or park within 3 metres of the intersection. An intersection is any place where two public streets meet; they do not have to cross each other, and they do not have to be through streets. For example, if you park at a "T intersection" on the through street, and obstruct access to the shorter street adjoining where no active restrictions exist, you would be parked in the intersection. |
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Covered under: Winnipeg Parking By–Law No. 86/2016 Section 16(1)(c) A crosswalk is any City-maintained sidewalk that meets a street. The "approach" side of the sidewalk is when you are coming up to the sidewalk (the sidewalk would be at the front of your vehicle). You must leave 3 meters (approximately 10 feet) between the front bumper of your vehicle and the edge of the sidewalk to ensure the safety of pedestrians. |
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Covered under: Winnipeg Parking By–Law No. 86/2016 Section 16(1)(d) Emergency workers need instant access to emergency equipment; lives depend on it. It is illegal to park in front of a fire hydrant. Presuming that the hydrant is right at the curb edge, you must then leave 3 meters (approximately 10 feet) on either side of the hydrant for emergency workers to have access. In other words, the space left between your car and the car parked on the other side of the hydrant must be 6 meters (approximately 20 feet) with the hydrant in the middle. |
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Covered under: Winnipeg Parking By–Law No. 86/2016 Section 16(1)(k) A traffic control device is a stop sign or traffic signal. You must be 9 meters (approximately 30 feet) back from the traffic control device so that the view from moving vehicles is not blocked. |
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Covered under: Winnipeg Parking By–Law No. 86/2016 Section 19 No vehicle may be stopped or parked in a loading zone unless it is in the process of being loaded or unloaded. Remaining Overtime in Loading Zone No vehicle may remain in a loading zone, even if it is in the process of being loaded or unloaded, for longer than the length of time specified on the traffic control devices designating the loading zone or, if no time limit is specified,
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This Fact Sheet is provided for information only. Should there be any possible conflict between the information in this Fact Sheet and the approved By Law, the By Law shall prevail.