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- Signalez la fraude et les escroqueries au 311 ou au Service de police de Winnipeg (204-986-7705)
Scooter and Motorcycle Parking
With the arrival of summer, there is an increase in the number of scooters and motorcycles being used to get around.
On-Street Parking
At the current time, scooters may be parked at on-street locations. If you are parking at a pay station, simply attach part of the receipt to your handlebar with an elastic and retain the other piece as proof of payment in case the one on your scooter or motorcycle is removed. Scooters with an engine displacement of less than 50cc (mopeds) and electric bicycles may be parked on the sidewalk as long as they do not encroach on the path of pedestrian travel. To protect against theft it is recommended scooters be secured to a bike ring.