Louis Riel Day – Monday, February 17. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.
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- Ne fournissez aucun renseignement personnel et ne cliquez sur aucun lien
- Signalez la fraude et les escroqueries au 311 ou au Service de police de Winnipeg (204-986-7705)
Stadium Event Zone Permit Program
In order to ensure the best experience for not only fans attending events at Investors Group Field, but also residents of the area, a comprehensive Event Day Transportation and Parking Plan has been developed by the Winnipeg Football Club, the University of Manitoba and the City of Winnipeg.
Transportation Info - Princess Auto Stadium
Residential Restricted Parking Zones
Two Residential Restricted Parking Zones have been established by the City of Winnipeg to be in effect during events.
- The University Heights neighbourhood
- Fort Richmond from the southern boundary of the campus to Dalhousie, Silverstone, Leach Street, Avila Avenue, Parkwood Place, King's Drive to Kilkenny Drive, Patricia Avenue, and Kilkenny Drive from King's Drive to Patricia Avenue
Parking on the street will not be permitted in these zones between 12:00 noon and 10:00 pm on every event day (signs use 24-hour clock - 12:00 to 22:00 hours). Permanent signage will be erected in these zones in April to publicize the parking restrictions, and signs will display up to three event dates at one time.
Parking restrictions on event days will be enforced by the Winnipeg Parking Authority (WPA) and vehicles parked on the street within the restricted zones without displaying a proper permit may be ticketed and towed.
If you see a parking violation in a restricted zone during an event, please call 311
Stadium Event Zone Permit Application
Residents whose addresses front on a street signed as being within the Residential Restricted Parking zone will be able to apply for two complimentary parking permits from the WPA.
Two permits will be allowed per residence and each permit will be linked to a specific licence plate.
Application Process:
- Download or complete the online application form from the WPA website.
- WPA requires your valid Driver's Licence showing your address within the Event Zone and valid Vehicle registration (Blue and White certificates) to process your application.
- If you are not the registered owner of the vehicle, have the registered owner complete a Statutory Declaration form that is to be included in your application.
- Send your completed application and required supporting documentation to the Winnipeg Parking Authority - Hours & Location
- In Person or by mail: 495 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3B 2E4
- By Fax: 204-986-5155 Attn: Permits
Processing of the application may take up to seven (7) business days. Our office will contact you if there is a problem processing the application. You may start parking the day after the virtual permit is processed by our office. Visit our FAQs for more information pertaining to virtual permits.
As the permit is virtual and linked to the specific licence plate provided on the application, a confirmation email will be sent once the permit is in effect so that you know it is okay to park that vehicle on-street on an event day.
Stadium Event Zone Permit Renewal
A renewal of your parking permit(s) require the same documentation as a new application would to ensure proof of residency in the location for which the permit was originally obtained. Please see the application section above to ensure the process has not changed since your initial application.
Parking in Non-Restricted Neighbourhoods
- All vehicles parking in neighbourhoods that do not have event day parking restrictions must comply with the existing restrictions on those streets
- WPA staff will be present in the neighbourhoods adjacent to Investors Group Field during event days and will be actively enforcing parking regulations
- Vehicles will be ticketed and towed if they are parked blocking driveways and bus stops
- Vehicles will be ticketed and may be towed if they block fire hydrants, are parked in no parking zones, or exceed posted time limits for parking
- If you see a parking violation during an event, please call 311
Changes to Your Vehicle Information
Changes to the vehicles associated to your permit can be made by filling out the form below and providing to WPA. All vehicles displaying a valid permit must be registered prior to parking within your zone.
Note: After hour submissions will be processed the following business day.
In the event a penalty notice has been issued after submitting the plate change request, please have the registered vehicle owner submit a request for screening.